My brother had some time off after Christmas so he drove home with us from Christmas in the South and helped with house projects.
When we first moved into our turn of the century home in Ohio we pulled up the carpet in the living room before moving in any furniture. What we found was an original hardwood floor. Jason spent five days refinishing it while I was somewhere else in world for work. The floors turned out beautiful, but Jason swore he was never refinishing hardwood floors again.
However, between Shane and I , we were able to convince him that it would be worth doing again in the dining room.
All the furniture in the living room.
Ripping out the Pergo floor.
What we uncovered.
Floor was sanded to get rid of mold and prepare it for the stain.
We stained it and then varnished it.
I stained all the trim to match the floor. Jason stained and hung new baseboard and a chair rail.
Finished, but still a little empty at this point. You will also notice the new chandelier Jason installed.
Since then we have moved all the furniture back in. What took Jason 5 days took the three of us only 3 days. Staining the trim, doing the baseboards and chair rail took another couple of days, but every second was worth the result.
We love it!
wow! It looks awesome.