Tuesday, March 8, 2011

4 x 4 = One More Reason To Be Narcissistic: Part 4

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

04.  Recommendations

1.  Take vacations with just your immediate family.


(My family pre Jason.)

My parents did a lot of things of right.  One of my favorite things they did is take us on vacation every year.  The kicker was that there were no friends allowed.  Some years were a short trip to Oklahoma City to go to White Water and Frontier City.  Other years were big, like a trip to New York City.  It didn’t matter where we went, what we did or how much money we spent.  What mattered was that it was just the four of us.  I truly believe this is why my family is so close.  We have twenty + years of memories that are just of us enjoying each other.  I will do this with my kids and I recommend that everyone try to do this with their kids.  My parents understood that our friends would come and go, but our family is forever.

2.  Buy yourself flowers at the grocery store. 


I have been buying myself flowers since I was in college.  Jason picked up on it while we were dating, so he is pretty good about bringing home flowers, but if I’m ever at the grocery store and don’t have any flowers at home, I grab some.  This bunch are on week three and going strong.  I buy the 3 bunches for $10.  Since they last so long, we basically pay $10 per month in order to always have fresh flowers on the counter.  It’s SO worth every penny.

3.  If it tastes like it’s missing something, add salt.

This is how my mamma taught me to cook, and I am ever so thankful. 

4.  Get right with God.

Over the past few days I have really been feeling a wall between me and God.  I asked Him to show me if there was some unknown and unconfessed sin in my life.  I knew it was something to do with blogging, but couldn’t figure out what.  So, through conversation with my friend Aileen, I came to realize that what the Lord was telling me is that I cannot separate my life from Him.  I have been blogging for over a year and there is only one post about Him.  I started another blog just to blog about spiritual things that I’m learning, and I feel like He told me that it is wrong to avoid Him in one in order to focus on Him in another.  He is my life and I need to focus on Him in the same realm with which I share my life with others.  Once I realized this and asked His forgiveness for avoiding Him in my blog, I felt peace and oneness with Him again.  I recommend that if you feel like there is a wall between you and God, and you are frustrated with why, then ask Him to show you if it is because of unknown and/or unconfessed sin.

Isaiah 59: 1-2  Behold, the Lord’s hand is not so short that it cannot save; nor is His ear so dull that it cannot hear.  But your iniquities have made a separation between You and Your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear. 

1 John 1:9  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


And now…(drumroll please)… the four people I tag are:

Mindy Worley

Audra Buxton

Jaci Greggs

Bobbie Earls


My 4x4 was quite elaborate.  You can see other 4x4’s here:

A Tale of Tractors and Tiaras

Diary of an Old Maid

Goodbye Dignity, Hello Motherhood


Signature 2


  1. All good advice. I had the same wrestling session before I started getting real open on the blog about my faith.

    It may take me a while to get to this, but I promise I will!! I'm SOOOO behind in tagged events!

  2. Sweet, I'll get on it :) I love love love your blog by the way. I'm working on getting more into checking and posting. Love you!

  3. Totally agree with the family vacation thing - my fam did that too! We are going to do it with our family as well - it's a great thing to do for family bonding. :)

  4. I think it's great you are brining God into your blog more. I've been wondering how to do that myself.


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