My cousin recently tagged me in a blog game called 4x4 where you answer four questions with four answers. (While I was reading hers I was secretly hoping that someone would tag me.) She did! You can read about her here.
As I was commenting on her post I realized that it makes a lot more sense for moms to fill out this 4x4 because they spend a whole lot more time talking about their kids than they do themselves. I love getting to hear about the kids, but it’s always fun to hear what is going on with them. Since I don’t have any kids all I have to talk about is myself. It reminds me of Julia and Julia. Julia’s husband is calling her narcissistic and she says, “But what do you think a blog is? It’s me, me, me day after day.” I think my totally wonderful, totally amazing, TOTALLY MAN husband shares his sentiments sometimes. But, I hold my chin up and refer to a little column called, “Why I Write.” And there it is. It’s so that if people want to read about me they can. =)
So, here comes my exciting question and answer segment…Drumroll please…
01. Four places I go:
1. The Airport
(picture from
This is my local airport, Will Rogers World Airport. I do love this airport. I always leave my house 1.5 hours before departure. I pull up to the parking garage 1 hour before departure, security 45 minutes before departure and I reach my gate 30 minutes before departure. I’m not going to lie, there are some really great things about living in a small city.
2. The Park
I’m not perfect, but I do try very hard to make sure my awesome dog gets at least 45 minutes to an hour of exercise every day. This generally consists of me walking briskly to a park near our house. I take the long way there, which takes about 30 minutes. (This is to teach her leash manners.) Once at the park, which is surrounded by land that is waiting to be used to build houses, I let her off leash for 20-40 minutes, depending on the day. Then, we take the 10 minute walk home. The best days are the ones where every time she stops she lays down because she is so tired.
3. Church
(Picture thanks to Summit Church)
Jason and I have been married for 2.5 years, and we spent a year of that looking for a church. We finally settled on Summit Church. It’s about a 30 minute drive, but we think it’s worth it. It’s a fairly new church so for the past year they have been meeting at a local school. Last weekend was the first Sunday in our new building. Jason and I couldn’t be there, so we have never actually stepped foot inside of the church pictured above even though it’s where we call “home.”
4. My Dashboard
I love reading other people’s blogs! It seems like every week I find myself spending more and more time looking at blogs. This week is one of the only times that NONE of my peeps have blogged much, so I had to go elsewhere to get my fix. I ended up on a blog called: I “heart” naptime, which is linked from my cousin’s blog. It was fun looking around at all her different stuff. So, she’s on my frequenting list now too.
Guess what?! You are in for a real treat because I’m going to make this a series. It’s 1:38AM, which is about 3.5 hours past my bedtime. All the words are starting to blur, so I’ll get to question 02 tomorrow. Goodnight.
Good Start! Looking forward to reading the rest!!
ReplyDeleteDitto what Miranda said. Also, I TOTALLY agree about the OKC airport - I've BEEN to several international airports and I just don't see how we qualify. BUT, it sure did make my traveling days nice being able to leave home 2 hours or less before departure time!