Friday, March 11, 2011

Breaking News: Japan

I know that many of you jump out of bed running because of kiddos, but make sure to turn on the TV or radio at some point today.  Last night the fifth strongest earthquake to ever hit the earth hit Japan last night.  It was 8.9 on the Richtor Scale. 

This is a chart of the Strongest Earthquakes since 1900:

(Photo thanks to

On top of the earthquake, the coast of Japan was hit by a tsunami!  In one coastal town they have already found 200-300 bodies, there is a passenger train that is unaccounted for, and the towns are demolished.  This is sheer devastation.  

My prayer for Japan is that Christians will rally and spread hope ASAP. 

I was reading comments on and one person commented that the end times are here.  The very next post was someone who said, “If the end of the world is coming, why don’t we all just kill ourselves?”  It BROKE my heart.  If anyone reading this feels the same way, please understand what I’ve written in my page, “Why is important to know God?”  This is the highlight:

“…there will come a time when The Light will permanently separate itself from The Darkness. Once that happens then in the darkness, there will be no light. This means no love, no peace, no joy, no patience, no kindness, no goodness, no gentleness, and no self-control. There will be no protection, no justice and no help. We live in a world that seems chaotic; sometimes there is justice and other times there is injustice. Sometimes there is joy, other times there is sorrow. Sometimes there is love, other times there is hate. This is because on this earth the light and the darkness are coexisting. However, you must understand that when the light separates itself from the darkness there will no longer be both. Depending on which one you have chosen, you will either be in constant light and goodness or constant darkness and evil.”

If you are a praying person, please remember Japan.  They desperately need hope right now.

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