Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Perfect Timing

(If you are wondering why I am writing two blog posts back to back, see below.)

Last Thanksgiving my cousin, DeAnna, agreed to take our Family Pictures.  She is a talented photographer.  (See her website here.)  She is really good about snapping photos the entire time you are with her, rather than just while you are posing.  So, she caught what might be the best candid photo ever taken. 

DeAnna was asking us questions about our relationship.  I was haphazardly twirling around (see banner at top of blog) when Jason started talking about how he has discriminating taste and how he never thought he’d find the one, that there were ones in the past, but none until…  by this time I am watching and listening intently.  My husband does not talk like this.  I was beaming radiantly up at him.  It was so sweet that he was saying these things to my cousin.  And then…  He pulled his hand up and made a noise like “ggshhh” and said, “until now.”  You can see by the picture that DeAnna caught the “ggshhh”.  It was hysterical. 


Please see video below to understand the true context of his sincerity, and to learn why this is his favorite picture of all time. 



Below are some more great pics from that day.

10 My personal favorite.

27 12 15 1 2 4 (2) 5 (2)

Signature 2

1 comment:

  1. Im so glad you love the pictures! I had so much fun taking them!


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