Friday, April 29, 2011

We Celebrated The Royal Wedding


I know, I know… I’ve already written today, and neither post is a feature. 

Sorry, but yesterday was my first day back to blogging.  I love doing this.  I am supposed to be napping right now since I only got 4 hours of sleep last night, but I just can’t tear myself away.  I really want to quickly share our fun and festive morning. 

I will start by saying that I really had no interest in the Royal Wedding because I don’t watch TV very often.  To be honest, I didn’t even know when the wedding was until, out of boredom and lack of channels in my hotel room, Monday night I turned on TLC because they were doing stories on the Royal Family.  Well, I watched two hours that night, two hours the next and as much as I could get after that.  I informed Jason that I was going to be getting up at 4 a.m. on Friday to watch all the coverage.  He jokingly asked if I was going to have tea and crumpets, to which I replied, “No, but I might have tea and scones.”  He said, “If you make scones, I’ll be there.”  I quickly said, “Deal.”  And so it was that Jason and I made plans to have tea and scones and watch the Royal Wedding. 

Last night we went to the grocery store to pick-up some scone mix.  While we were there we decided that it would be posh to make a cheese tray (and very expensive, as it turns out).  So, we gathered all the fixin’s and then headed to the baking aisle.  At 10:00 p.m. we found out that our grocery store doesn’t carry scone mix.  Disaster!  So, we picked out a blueberry streusel muffin mix that I was going to try to make into scones somehow. 

I knew that I was excited about this, but I didn’t know how excited until I woke-up every hour to check the clock all the way through my very short night.  Finally at 4:10 a.m. it was time to get up.  I started the water for tea, mixed my scones and began creating scone molds out of foil.  If you ever find yourself in the same predicament, follow my steps below.  (Pardon the pics.  I was using my iPhone.)


Start with a sheet of foil.


Roll the edges into a triangle and then turn it over and form the triangle so that the rolled edges face the outside.  This is so the batter doesn’t slide into the rolled part.


Make sure you spray the molds.


Somehow, I’m missing a couple of pictures, but when you make the batter add about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of flour, and then add some sugar (about half the amount that you added of flour).  Pour the batter into the molds so that they are 3/4 full.  If you are using a streusel mix you will add the topping before you bake.  I like to gently push it down so that the sugar mixture doesn’t go everywhere.  Mine took about 10 minutes longer than the directions on the muffin box indicated.  Once they are finished pull the foil off and serve them.



Our cheese tray was made up of Gruyere, Fontana and Brie.  We had mixed fruit, dried apricots and two different types of crackers, but I didn’t get the picture taken quickly enough to show the entire spread. 


A couple of tips on serving cheese:  1. Each cheese gets its own knife.  2.  The cheeses should never touch.  Try to keep everything on the tray separated. 


Lastly, here is his wonderfulness who was awesome enough to get up with me this morning so that I wouldn’t have to party by myself.  He drank iced tea to celebrate.

Signature 2


  1. How fun! I DVRd it and watched with a friend late this morning. Like I said elsewhere, I've been waiting for Prince William to get married since I was 9 years old, I wasn't watching it live, but I was NOT going to miss it!

  2. Commenting again (time to post again, I think). Just miss reading your posts, but I know you're busy and taking a break, so I get it.

    In other news, I passed the Versatile Blog Award on to you! Stop by and pick it up! Happy blogging :).


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