Friday, June 24, 2011


You have probably already read this post, but it had to be taken down for discretionary reasons.  So, now that EVERYONE is aware of our plans I am able to repost it.  It was originally posted on June 3.)

Our life is quickly changing right before our eyes.  On Saturday, May 14 Jason and I went to breakfast.  It’s our way of taking a time out together.  I had been out of town working and my parents were on their way from Dallas to help us get the house ready to sell.  For months we have been talking about which law school Jason would attend, and it was finally time to make a decision.  While we were sitting in a diner booth, 50’s music playing in the background, we decided to move to Ohio where Jason will attend Ohio Northern University.

It’s been a whirl wind ever since.  We bought our house in the middle of a remodel, so over the past 2 years we have been slowly trying to get it all finished.  Now, we are quickly trying to get it all finished.  I’ve been out of town for the past 10 days.  Jason has been working on the house every night.  We are signing contracts on Tuesday to put it on the market, but it’s not ready and we still have a lot to do.  What is stressful is that we are not only trying to finish everything, but we are trying to clean and pack and find a place for ourselves and for our animals.  And, not only do we have to sell this house, but we have to buy another one 951 miles away, close on it and get moved in so that Jason can attend law school orientation on August 24. 

I woke up in a hotel room this past Tuesday morning.  I wasn’t in a huge hurry to get out of bed, so I called Jason.  We were talking about everything that needed to be done and this decision and that.  Exasperated, I quickly got off the phone, not because of anything Jason had said, but because of the pressure of it all.  I needed time to digest everything before I could even think straight about how to begin accomplishing it all.  I threw the covers off of myself and rolled over.  As I put my feet on the floor and began to stand I said out loud, “Thank you Lord, that this is not my home!” 

Sometimes it’s nice to see life in perspective.  I am so thankful that in that instant of wanting to breakdown from the pressure, I was reminded that this is not my home.  My home is in heaven where my mansion is finished and waiting.  I get to spend eternity in a world where creation is more beautiful that my mind can fathom and where my mind is in a constant state of peace. 

Not long after I got up I heard this song on the radio.  I think it was played just for me.  I dropped to my knees and listened to it in a state of worship.  It’s a beautiful song that says, “Sometimes your blessings come through rain drops, sometimes your healing comes through tears, sometimes a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You’re near… The pain reminds this heart that this this is not, this is not our home.”

I love this song because it speaks to anyone and everyone.  No matter how big or small our troubles seem through the eyes of this world, our God meets us where we are.  If our best friend moves away, if our dog dies, if our leg is broken and we can’t play in the big game, if we lose our job, can’t pay a bill, can’t get our weight where we want it, or if our house is taken by a tornado, it’s all the same to God.  If it matters to us, then it matters to Him. 

Please pray for Jason and I as we go through this process.  It matters to us.  I am praying that our house will be under contract by Tuesday, June 14.  That is exactly one week from the day we are putting it on the market.  Please help me pray for this.  It will be a true miracle from God when it does, and we will give Him all the glory for it.  (We will give Him the glory anyway, but how awesome would it be?!)


Signature 2

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