Friday, April 2, 2010

And She Still Peed On The Carpet…

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I  got a text from The Weather Chanel this morning at 6am stating that we were under a severe thunderstorm warning.  I thought about Brinkley outside, thought for a second about letting her in, remembered that she has a dog house and went back to sleep.  Not 10 minutes later it hits.  All at once.  To the sound of thunder clapping, hail pelting, wind blowing, and the flash of lighting I bolt out of bed and run to let Brinkley in. 

She was perfect.  She was quiet until we got up, and then she just laid around until I was ready to bathe her.  She took the bath like a champ, let me dry her with the hair dryer, played for a little while and then all of sudden she started getting very needy.  So, I took her out front and told her to “go pee”.  We were outside for more than 5 minutes and all she did was smell the roses, and the pine tree, and all over the flowerbed, and the cat, and the driveway, and the mail box, and the neighbor’s yard, and the sidewalk and then the cat again.  I gave up.  I told her to come inside.  Then, 30 minutes later I put her in the back yard.  She stood at the back door and looked at me.  So, I walked away expecting her to turn and go and do her business.   When I came back she was still standing there.  Now, convinced that she must really not need to pee, I let her back in.  Not 10 minutes later I realize that the house is entirely too quiet.  I get up, call her name, look in the places she would normally be and then I see her.  She is squatting right next to our bed, looking at me, and unloading.  I started yelling “no” “no” “NOOOOOOOOO…”  She just kept squatting and looking at me!  I mean, what was she supposed to do, stop mid stream?!  Of course not, who am I kidding?  Once she finished I grabbed her by the collar and marched her outside, and you know what?  She just stood there and looked at me.  You know why? 


UGGG…  What can you do?  Well, besides clean it up? 

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