For the past two days I have been sick. For the most part the only time I’ve gotten out of bed is to move to the couch. Therefore, I haven’t been able to go to the grocery store. We are in terrible need of a trip to the grocery store. One of the most important things on the list is cat food.
Today Jason brought in Smokey’s bowl from outside, went to get food, and said, “we’re out of cat food.” I said, “I know, it’s on the list.” He said, “I can’t take this back out there with no food in it.” I just shrugged. There was nothing I could do.
All day in the house, every time I stand up Bub leaps from wherever he is in the house and runs to his bowl. He is constantly reminding me that he is hungry. All I can say is “Bub, I’m really sorry. We’ll feed you as soon as your dad gets home.”
My sweet husband is at the grocery store now, even though he has to be at work in about 7 hours, so that the cats really will get to eat soon.
I know they are just cats, but it made me stop and say a prayer of thanks that we live in a time and place where food is at our fingertips. A time and place that where we are going to get our next meal does not even make the list of life stressors for the majority of us in this country. Watching my cats tonight is a slight glimpse into what it must be like to send your kids to bed hungry because there was no other choice. I feel horribly guilty and totally helpless all at the same time. I appreciate the reminder to be thankful for something that I take so for granted every day of my life.
Thank you God, for food, for an abundance of food. Please help me to never take it for granted.
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