I promised pics of my closet makeover. So, here they are.
I have three different robes that I wear constantly. They hang on a hook that is just to the right of my closet. (You can see the pink fabric at the edge of the pic.) My job requires scarves. They hang on a hook just inside the left door jam of the closet. You can see the array of colors on that edge of the picture. I love hats. So, my ball caps hang on a hook just inside the right door jam to the closet. You can see the pink and navy hats hanging there. Oh, by the way, we don’t have closet doors. I read in an organizing book that closet doors on closets like mine only serve to take up space and create dark corners. So, we are doorless and I love it.
The brown on the right side of the closet is the book shelf I stuck in there. I lost a rod, but I am making up for it in what I can now fold and see on my shelf, and instead of hanging my jeans and casual pants they are now folded on the shelf above the left hanging rod. Folded like this I am not creating any more creases than there would be if they were folded over the hanger. And, strangely enough, I can see them better. When they were hanging on hangers there was a shadow and I had to study them. Now, they are exposed to more light and I can see their color and specific fabric right away.
In the book shelf I have t-shirts, one stack are more like memories, the second stack I wear all the time, and the third stack are for getting dirty. The second shelf are shorts, and the third shelf is a basket of socks and a stack of sweat pants. The bottom shelf are the things that make me crazy when they are in a dresser drawer.
The basket on the floor serves as a place for all my flipflops. There is no reason for flipflops to be displayed, so mine go in the basket.
My other shoes are displayed in a door shoe organizer on the back of the door to my room.
My belts, trendy hats and long scarves are hanging on a row of hooks just outside of my closet.
My purses and bags hang a little higher on the other side of my vanity desk.
You might be wondering where all of my husband’s things are. Well, since we only have small bedrooms, small closets, and one bathroom, and we don’t have any kids, one of our three bedrooms is referred to as “the vanity” room, or “my/Britney’s” room. This room houses my closet, all of my clothes, my vanity and Jason’s dresser.
This is what the room liked before I hung the hooks on the wall, but you get the picture. It’s wonderful! I would recommend her own room to any woman who lives in a small space with her husband and has a little extra room somewhere else in the house, especially if there is only one bathroom. I always get ready in here and there is never a fight for the bathroom, and never a fight about closet space or other closet preferences.
Thanks for letting me share my closet’s makeover with you. Hope you enjoyed, and I hope you find a place where you can enjoy looking all your things too.
I love the little chandelier and your vanity room! If I had a vanity room, All I'd have are stacks of jeans and t-shirts, flip flops, very little make up and only one purse! HA!