Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hobby Lobby – A Company Worth Supporting

I know I haven’t blogged in a long time and that I owe you one, but I think it’s really important that I take the time I have to tell you about what Hobby Lobby is doing this July 4th. 

Hobby Lobby is a company founded on Christian principles, as was our country.  The difference is that Hobby Lobby is not confused about its identity.  Hobby Lobby continues to stand on the same principles it had when it was established.  Please read the following letter, which is posted on their website:

“Beginning Easter Sunday, 1997, Hobby Lobby placed a full page message ad in all of the newspapers in which we advertise. Since then, we have placed a full page message ad each Christmas day and each Easter Sunday in our newspapers in which we advertise. For Easter 2007, this was 290 newspapers in 30 states with a readership in excess of 47 million. For July 4, 2007, Hobby Lobby placed its Independence Day message in the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times with a combined readership of over 4 million.

For Thanksgiving 1998, one of our affiliate companies, Mardel Christian and Educational Supply, through its media agency, EthnoGraphic Media, also placed a message ad in the worldwide edition of USA Today.

The impact and relevancy of these messages is ongoing, and so we continue to make them available for your enjoyment.

We invite you to send us your comments on our message ads. We appreciate your input and thank you in advance for taking time to send us your thoughts about these messages.”

Their July 4th 2012 message is below:


Our country is in a civil war regarding morality and the principles on which we were founded.  So many of us have written email after email to businesses that are participating in the moral decay of our society.  Please take time to write a message of gratitude to Hobby Lobby for their continued stand for what is right. 

You can read all of their past campaigns here.


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